How I experienced
my social media?
Years gone
founded Facebook by developers, I joined facebook first time when I used
internet for the first time. Both for the first time??? It isn’nt a
co-incidence. Many people asked me no to join facebook because not of any issue
but due to scandels which facebook causes. I surely write what Facebook
suppoerters will say to me.
I didn’t
hear them quickly created a facebook account. Many geners available there but I
chosed to post religious posts. I carried this account for 5 years but after
that I forgot that piece of account.
I created a
another account in 2016 ,I carried it till last but then deleted it. Why I Do So?
Because of bad scandels and Mark’s aggressive attitude and big REASON is that
why he shared our privacies & data to 3rd party venedores. It
all sucking. It made me angry. Many important groups & friends I have on FB
including my personals. As technology is increases day by day & it can’t keep
us behind the borders it was a hard decision to me. Facebook fairly to say isn’t
a safe plateform we know, Yes ask yourself inside yourself. Gmail is sharing
our data to 300+ companies it angers me. Facebook izs a big gun in technology
but cripples from good reforms I insure your lacs or millions of great gatesby FB
users gonna leave it for good. Many turning things are being hidden to world.
Let’s see what comes downfall or??????????????????????????????????
Seeiah until my next paragraphs.